Friday, April 25, 2014

SPG Platinum Game Part II

So its a new year, 2014, not much has changed in the hotel industry, i have here a recent stay for my wife's birthday and how the SPG upgrade program works

First I book the cheapest room:

Sometimes they will upgrade you about a week ahead of check-in, sometimes you have to wait till the moment you check in to see if there will be an upgrade, this time i did get a suite:

Then you want to see how much is that suite worth... 

Yes, its still worth it to try to maintain elite hotel status

This is the view from one of the lanai...with my snack

The sitting area... it had a bunch of balloons and a birthday amenity waiting for me after dinner... super nice touch!

The only SPG property that i have been to that has NEVER upgraded me is the Nines, in Portland, Oregon

Google Glass Explorer's Program

As Google Glass is starting to get more widespread, I would like to talk about my experiences with Glass

I am currently on my second pair.  Google has been really good about taking care of Glass Explorers and getting defective units back to its research facility.

I did not fully understand what was going on with my Glass but it felt like it was slowly dying, according to my wife, i'm a head sweater, not armpit sweater like 'normal people'.  When i get slightly heated up, which is quite often here in Hawai'i, i sweat from my head, and while ive been doing this my whole life, i have been used to it.  Now with Glass attached to my face, I have to be more diligent about my head sweat since im lead to believe that is what killed my first pair of Glass. I dont see this as my fault and I'm glad Google did an RMA for me, I don't see it as Google's fault either but i wish Glass was more 'water resistant'.

Glass is great, from the new firmware that lets me finally wink to take photos with my split frames on.  The new RMA pair even has a date feature and the screw is much easier to replace between the standard Glass frame and my Rx Eyeglasses frame.

My most common questions include, "are you recording me right now?" and "what can glass do?" Its gets annoying really fast but after a few weeks im already immune to the sideway glances and stares... a few bold people just walk up to me and ask to try it on... of course i let them, but its difficult to understand Glass by only wearing it for a few minutes....